Conversations to transform health and care – Scarborough 11th July

We are holding a series of FREE events to bring together people who know and care about

  • how health and care might be improved (patients, clinicians, carers, charities, social enterprises, local authority staff and others)
  • how digital and technology can be used to improve health and care (technologists, data experts, service designers and others)
  • how worthwhile ideas are supported with time, money and know-how to bring them to life

We will bring to the events people who know and care about the use of digital and technology to improve health and care services and who are looking for people and ideas that they can help to support as necessary

In short we are bringing together

  • people who know about what needs to be made better in our health and care work and
  • people that know how to use technology and digital services to make this happen and
  • people with the resources to support the work.

These free to attend events will provide you with a friendly and effective space to meet the people that can help you make things happen.  Although we will start with lots of talking and meeting people we will soon move on to the question of ‘what might we get done together that we can’t struggling to do alone?’

You might choose

  • to bring an idea or project of your own that you want some support to make happen,
  • or to look for other people’s ideas that you want to support.
  • or to come along to find out what this is all about

Whatever your reason we would really like you to join us!  We can promise you a friendly, inclusive and potentially very powerful few hours.

Lunch is included, the venue is fully accessible and a short walk from the train Station. Please let us know if you have any additional requirements when you register.

We’re interested to hear if you’d need a creche facility to enable you to participate, contact us if this is relevant to you.

Still not sure?

If there costs associated with coming to the event make you think twice, do drop us an email and we’ll see what we can do

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