What Benefits Might Progress School Offer
Support and Encouragement – While you may already have various types of support such as board of directors, consultants, trade associations, family and friends, mentors and so on, each of these has a particular agenda as well as differing levels of understanding, focus, and interest with regards to your development. Your peers at Progress School will focus on improving your success via honest, unbiased feedback and consistent encouragement.
Growth – Some people say “if you’re not growing you’re dying.” Progress School drives both your personal growth and the development of your projects and interests. It provides an environment that fosters and encourages continuous growth.
A Safe Haven – By engaging with a group of your peers in an environment of mutually agreed to confidentiality, a trusted circle develops. You can expect to forge long-lasting relationships with other members that will continue to enrich your life outside of Progress School meetings.
Space to Think – Ever month Progress School will provide you with 2 hours to sit back and think. You strategic sanctuary in a busy world.
Unbiased Feedback – Where else can you currently go to consistently get unbiased feedback from a diverse group of your peers regarding your biggest issues, challenges and opportunities?
Advice and Guidance – At Progress School you will have the opportunity to learn from others who have gone before you in some areas as well as provide guidance in other areas where you have specific knowledge and experience.
Creativity Factory – Even when you are not able to directly benefit from the experiences of other members, you can certainly benefit from the creativity and diversity of ideas generated through brainstorming and sharing opportunities.
Group Wisdom – By joining a group of people united in their shared pursuit if progress you will have access to a much wider range of perspectives, opinions and ideas
Group Learning – While you will bring pressing opportunities and challenges to each meeting, you will learn as much, or more, by listening to and supporting other members in addressing their opportunities and challenges. Every topic or discussion represents an opportunity to learn or support learning.
Accountability – Consistently maintaining and demonstrating personal accountability is a hallmark of effectiveness. Your Progress School peers will support this by helping you maintain focus and follow through on your commitments.
Sharing Resources – Just as you are you know stuff, so do your peers. By sharing your best resources with other Progress School members, everyone benefits.
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